Friday, August 20, 2010

Mobile Drug data book CIMS or MIMS pdb isilo book free download

This the most expected mobile ebook for past few years....very helpful for doctors,medicos,nurses, all the drugs data is on your mobile phone........a million thanx to Dr.John.This book is mainly for asian countries, but am sure it will help others also........thanx dr.john once again...........

Current Index of Medical Specialities (CIMS)


Monthly Index of Medical Specialities (MIMS)

The eBook of CIMS India contains details about 865 medical drugs - indications and usual dosage, adverse reactions (side effects), precautions, whether to take before, with or after food, drugs interactons with other medicines and with alcohol or certain foodstuff.
There are also details about how overdosage and toxicity of the drugs are treated. There is also a list of the common brands available in india for each generic drug.

This eBook is of August 2010 and many more changes would have taken places each quarter in the official CIMS eBook.

USE isilo reader on your mobilephone to read this book

You can also use Alternate mediafire linkto download the cims book


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